Recovery Responsive
Workforce Development

Our Mission & Membership
At Recovery Business Alliance (RBA), our mission is to create recovery responsive workplaces nationwide in support of employees, employers and economies.
The purpose of our membership program is to unite and support small and large business entities, corporations, nonprofit organizations, and business professionals across the nation.
By becoming a member, you and your team will have access to ongoing training and technical assistance to help you safeguard and empower your workforce and your bottom line. All business organizations and professionals are welcome to apply.
The Addiction Epidemic
& Employer Impact
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates the total economic burden of prescription opioid misuse in the US alone is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of health care, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement. The high level of substance misuse across the nation has shown to be a contributing factor in low workforce participation rates amongst young people and women, too. As a result, the addiction epidemic has been deemed to be not only a serious public health issue, but a serious workforce issue – one that employers must address to meet the challenges of finding and retaining quality workers.
Substance misuse has proven to impact employers in a variety of ways:

Our Services
Organizational Screenings
and Assessments
Conducting a needs assessment allows you to understand what types of substance use problems your organization is facing and discover ways to overcome them.
Recovery Responsive
Policy Development
After assessing your workplace’s needs, RBA will sit down with your team to help you identify the purpose, goals, benefits, assurances, and definitions of your workforce policy, as well as the laws and regulations your organization is subject to.
Employer Trainings
RBA provides a variety of trainings to ensure that each workforce department understands their roles and how to implement recovery responsive programing in a way that supports employee's health and well-being.
Recovery Employment Coaches
Peer Employment Coaches are proven to provide vocational mentorship pre-and-post employment by offering supportive services to instill hope, enhance self-esteem and life skills while promoting wellness for work.