Auto Tune Evo Android
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If you are an audio recorder, singer, or music producer, chances are you will need multiple tools to tweak, modulate and master vocals and soundtracks. This is to fine tune any audio problems and ensure that the pitch and notes are consistent throughout a song. Auto-Tune Evo VST is an effective tool which allows audio engineers to post-produce music and vocals.
You can bet Adele, Arianna Grande and other huge Pop Stars with amazing voices are all using auto-tune. Why? Because, in music, people want emotion over the perfect pitch. And, a lot of takes that have perfect pitch, don't often have the raw emotion you want to hear. This is where autotune can be used, so you can get that raw emotion, with perfect pitch.
It gives a more processed T-Pain style sound and applies that heavy autotune sound to your vocals. It's great to use if you want to sound similar to modern rap artists like Travis Scott and JuiceWrld.
Also it's important to note that natural autotune isn't the best on Voloco, so if you want a more natural sound over the hard-tuned Rap/HipHop style that's so popular, you may want to opt for a different auto-tune app or an auV3 plugin for Garageband/Cubasis (listed below).
Unfortunately, the Voloco app is quite limited if you don't purchase a subscription to it. However, out of all the apps on this list, it is the most free-to-use app, with the best sounding autotune and features available.
Spire is another auto tune app, that not only provides incredible auto-tuning ability but also allows you to use your phone as a mobile recording studio. The auto tune in spire sounds great, produces minimal artefacts and can be used for a natural tuning sound, as well as a hard-tune Hip Hop style effect.
Rap Chat is one of the best auto tune apps for people looking to make Hip Hip & Rap music. It's an app that's dedicated to Rap and Hip Hop specifically, offering the kind of hard-tuned automatic voice tuning you're looking for, and tonnes of other features to help you with your lyric and music writing.
What makes Rap Chat stand out from the rest of the auto tune apps on this list is its vast library of 150,000+ beats built into the software, which you can use to record your vocals over. It also includes a brilliant social media platform that can be used to share music and build a following.
There are also presets you can use to sound like your favourite rappers, including Travis Scott Juicewrld etc. but these are only included in the pro plan. However, you can do the basics like autotune your voice, mix the levels, record vocals to beats, add delay and use preset voice changers etc.
If you do purchase the full package, there is a range of effects and phenomenal presets you can use for your vocals, which help to automatically compress, EQ, and add effects like Reverb, Delay.
The auto tune isn't anywhere near as good as the above apps on this list, but Audio Editor makes up for this with a lot more control over individual effects like delay, reverb, distortion compression etc. offering presets, as well as the ability to manually dial in settings to your liking.
Auto Rap is more of a gimmicky tool, rather than an app you'd want to use for music making. It includes auto tune, and you can pitch correct your voice, but it's more for people who want to make funny Snapchat videos (you can upload directly to SC) or social media videos to share with friends.
I understand that not everyone reading this list wants to become a superstar rapper or music producer, so I felt it necessary to include some of the more laid back options for those of you who are just looking to have a laugh with an autotune app.
You can't mix, edit your vocals or record multiple tracks either. But, the good thing about auto rap is, that there are thousands of built-in beats that you can use to rap over and you can even upload your own music to it too.
This means you can create a beat, using the instruments inside Garageband for instance, then record vocals on another channel, add autotune using Voloco, and a number of other effects like reverb, EQ, compression, limiting etc.
You can additionally use Voloco on your Windows or Linux machine, and using Cubasis, you could create projects on your phone, that could then be loaded on Cubase's desktop DAW for more fine-tuned editing.
It's an extremely simple plugin, and you can only control the key you want your voice locked to, the speed of the autotune effect (which changes how robotic it sounds), and the amount of the effect.
Waves Tune is hands down the best auto tune auV3 plugin. However, we've put it lower on the list due to it only being available for Cubasis. That means you can't use it for Garageband or any other iOS DAW.
Waves Tune has the most control we've found on a iOS auto tune plugin. What makes it stand out from the rest of the apps on this list, is the ability to alter the vibrato, which will add a pulsating effect to your voice; change the speed of your autotune, which will control how robotic or natural your tuning sounds; individual control over the fine-tuning; and an amazing note transition knob that will smooth out switches between notes.
Voloco is the best auto tune plugin in terms of the sound it produces. Other apps have more features that outshine Voloco such as the ability to record and mix individual tracks, add effects and record over beats. However, when it comes to sound, Voloco wins.
It's best to use Voloco as an auV3 plugin for Garageband or another DAW software on your iPhone. Unfortunately, you can only do this on iPhone so, if you're on Android, you'll have to stick with one of the other multi-track editing auto tune apps.
Spire is the best app for autotuning vocals on Android. You can record multiple tracks, import beats to record over, add effects to your vocals to make them sound professional, and directly export music from the app to social media or WAV & MP3.
Garageband has autotune built into the software. It's a great tool to use for basic pitch correction on vocals. However, if you want better functionality, it's better to use an auV3 Garageband plugin for autotune.
There are no open-source plugins available on iOS. On Android you may be able to find some apps that are open-source but, since Android does not support music plugins yet, there are no open-source autotune plugins available.
Melodyne is the most industry standard and widely used pitch correction plugin. It works best at natural pitching, but doesn't work in real-time and is not good for a hard-tuned sound.
Typically, Auto-Tune Evo VST PC DLL errors are caused by a corrupt or missing autotune evo.dll file. File replacement is typically the best and easiest way to resolve errors related to DLL files. We also recommend running a registry scan to clean up any invalid autotune evo.dll references which could be cause of the error.
Even though most problems related to errors assocated with autotune evo.dll should be fixed if placed in the correct directory, you should carry out a quick test to confirm. To confim it's resolved, try starting up Auto-Tune Evo VST PC to see if the error can be triggered.
Auto-Tune Evo VST PC autotune evo.dll problems occur with installation, while autotune evo.dll-related software runs, during shutdown or startup, or less-commonly during operating system updates. Notating when autotune evo.dll errors occur is paramount in finding the cause of the Auto-Tune Evo VST PC problems and reporting them to Antares Audio Technologies for help.
Issues with Auto-Tune Evo VST PC from irregular OS shutdowns, virus infection, or other autotune evo.dll-related problems cause corruption. After corruption, autotune evo.dll cannot load, prompting Auto-Tune Evo VST PC problems on running.
Another possibility of Auto-Tune Evo VST PC and autotune evo.dll problems is due to registry disruption. Broken registry paths with autotune evo.dll cause Auto-Tune Evo VST PC issues due to improper file registration. Moving a autotune evo.dll, missing autotune evo.dll files, or bad/leftover file reference from improper Auto-Tune Evo VST PC install/uninstalls cause these to break.
AT1 is intended to correct the pitch of a voice singing (slightly) out of tune.It works by resampling and looping the signal and does not include formant correction,so it should be used to correct small errors only and not to really transpose a song.AT1 can probably be used on some instruments as well, but is primarily designed to cover the vocal range. 2b1af7f3a8
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Auto-Tune Evo for Android is a powerful tool for those looking to enhance their vocal performances with precision tuning on the go. This app allows for real-time pitch correction and creative vocal effects, making it an excellent choice for musicians and vocalists who want to perfect their sound directly from their smartphones. For a seamless integration of entertainment with your mobile experience, check out platforms like, where you can enjoy a variety of games while Auto-Tune Evo helps you bring your musical projects to life.
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