Cold Waters Crack Code
Failure of brittle structures can be catastrophic. Most brittle structures fail in a brittle fracture mode, in which a crack is initiated and follows an edge line along which the crack grows. Once initiated, the crack can grow either in one direction or in two, separated, directions. The cracks may grow until they encounter a weak point within the structure, which causes the crack to deviate from the edge line. A crack that deviates may grow until it intersects another crack, which can grow until it intersects another crack, and so on. This is known as a self-sustaining crack and will grow until the structure fails. The life of a structure is usually defined as the number of years that the structure will fail, if no weakness is created in the material.
The linear elastic fracture mechanics approach to building construction considers the location and direction of the crack to be ideal. The advantage of linear elastic fracture mechanics compared to other design approaches is that it allows crack-closing to be considered and is more realistic when considering the actual materials and structures to be used. After many years of design practice, the linear elastic fracture mechanics approach is gaining wide acceptance.
Some inspectors are of the opinion that a single-handle faucet is not a code-compliant shower fixture. Shower fixtures should have four adjustable handles, one for each spray and one for the flow of water from the showerhead to the drain. This, of course, is where the trick is. If a showerhead is installed into a mounting bracket of a single-handle system, it is the mounting bracket that controls the flow of water to the showerhead.
An adjustable handle in a bathtub is a two-handle arrangement, with one handle controlling the flow of hot water to the bathtub rim and the other controlling the flow of cold water to the washbasin.
Installation of a three-handle shower. The three-handle system is the most common shower-fixture arrangement. A single flow control valve is attached to the hot water line to regulate the flow of water to the showerhead. The flow of cold water to the washbasin is controlled by the adjustable showerhead handle, which is located on the exterior of the shower.
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