Financial Theory And Corporate Policy Copeland
Financial Theory And Corporate Policy Copeland --->
There is an initial lecture covering the basic economic issues and financial issues of corporate finance. The lectures will range across the following topics: (1) Corporate finance and securities markets; (2) Corporate finance and corporate governance; (3) The role of the financial system and the legal system in economic development and growth; (4) Modern portfolio theory; (5) The theory and practice of corporate capital structure; (6) Theory and practice of finance; (7) The theory and practice of international finance; (8) The theory and practice of financial markets; (9) The theory and practice of corporate financial markets; (10) The theory and practice of currency markets; and (11) The theory and practice of central bank operations. Topics may be taken as a series or as individual topics throughout the course. The course will also cover the new developments in corporate finance, including the development of the e nronomics and corporate governance of the last several years. The course will also include an extensive discussion of financial markets, especially currency markets.
The course will also rely on a number of the following: (1) the articles published in the Journal of Finance, Public Choice, the Journal of Financial Economics, the American Economic Review, the Journal of Economic Perspectives, the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Journal of Political Economy and other journals of finance; (2) a number of the annual reports to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors; (3) the surveys of the Federal Reserve System; and (4) the reports of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
This is a course in the theory of open market economies. After an introduction that provides the necessary background, the main body of the course is a seminar-style class in which students examine in detail the issues of economic policy. The course is intended for students who wish to study economic policy as it is practiced in open market economies. The course will be organized in such a manner that it covers a broad range of policy issues. Thus, students will analyze issues in the areas of finance, monetary and fiscal policy, labor market policy, and trade policy.
A course in advanced financial theory and applications. Students should take this course in the last semester of their first year. The course involves an intensive work in both the theoretical and the empirical areas. It is intended for students who hold a first degree in another field and are interested in a research career in finance.
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