Portal Stories Mel Test Chamber 2 BEST
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Press L-Alt-F and you'll notice a new short screen that lets you observe portals and portals on other things, and cycle through them at any time. Clicking on any portal (whether on a test object or a regular portal) will make it instantly dissolve. Press L-Alt-W to activate a portal, and when you place it, it'll enter the portal immediately.
Continue on your path to the far end of the left branch chamber. You'll see a thin hangar on the outside wall of the left branch. Jump onto the corner portal to step on a platform, then jump onto the next platform over. In a hole in the floor is an orange energy barrel. Step onto the barrel and break it, which will give you a new power and put the barrel into the weighted storage cube. When it's full, drop into the bottom portal to reach the other side of the room. You'll find a new red floor switch, and that's the last portal. Go right to the end of the right branch chamber.
This time, you'll notice another red floor switch near the entrance. Instead of repurposing the old test chambers, this floor switch opens a door leading to a new level. Notice the walls are made of ordinary crates. It rules. If you want to speed things up, you can use the vanilla Portal-style door, but you'll have to pour the exit portal going backwards into the weighted storage cube to exit.
Continue walking through the door and take the path to the left to enter a room that's entirely made of crates. You'll notice a single energy bar in the upper right corner of the room. Jump into the portal over the bar and into a new room, where the only portal is a blue one. You'll notice it's near the two other blue lasers, but it's connected to them. Drop into the blue portal and you'll enter a new room, where you can cycle through the blue, orange, and finally the red laser. That's all four portals. You'll notice the back of the chamber has a large portal on it. This lets you go back the way you came. d2c66b5586