Rcon Mini Admin 3 [VERIFIED]
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This is a quick guide on setting up your servers and admins so your downtime is to a minimum. Of course this depends on how many servers and admins you have. Expecting that you have 2 or more servers and more than 2 admins the following is suggested after you finished the SourceBans webpanel installation.
When selected, this side tab lists all admins, server and web in the main panel. There are three columns, Name, Server Admin Group and Web Admin Group. If you need to view more info about an admin, click their row and it will expand. Once expanded, you can view their Server Admin Permissions (sometimes called access flags) and their Web Admin Permissions. Under Action there are links to Edit Details, Edit Premissions, Edit Server Access, Edit Groups and Delete Admin. Finally, there is an Immunity Level.
What I'm looking for specifically is something that can handle automatic restarts of my server on a 12hr basis. Schedulers (specifically chat announcements) and admin features is a big bonus as it would be very useful to me, kind of like what BEC offered with the custom commands and custom admin heirarchy.
I did notice your post, but I also did notice most of your links for server monitors, rcon tools, battleye etc etc (stuff that applies to what I am looking for) is from armaholic, which is not active anymore unfortunately, circa 2019 I believe (rip armaholic aswell as BEC.)
KILLING THE KID.>Pat Garrett's Nervy Pont HoCatches and ShootsBilly Bonny.Full Details of How Billy theKid Mot His Fato.I'a New llcxli.-xn.Tlio city was thrown into n stnto ofuxcituincnt recently by tlio nnnomico-nicnt Hint Hilly tlio Kid , tlio innn who1ms been the terror of poncc.iblo pconlo in this territory for years , whckilled Brady and Iliiidiiian , tintHuberts mid Otlinger nncUJoll , with ndo/.cti more , had mot tlio fnto that hehml inctcd out to others with suclfiendish pleasure , frequently witl'oulcutiso and generally in the most brutamanner. No report could have croatcd n more general fooliinr nf irratilication than this , nnd when it was furtherthor announced thai tlio faithful andbravo Pat Garrett , ho who has beerthe mainstay of law and order in Lincoin county , tlio chief reliance of tinpeoule in dark days , when danjjolurked on every hand , hml accomplishedod the crowning font of Ina life bybringing down his fierce ixnd implacable fee single-handed , the sense osatisfaction was heightened to ono odelight. The lirst announcement o :the event was by means of a telcgranreceived hero from Las Vegas byMr. Chisum , the stock owner , andono of tin Kid's greatest enemies ,simply stating : "Put Garret killctHilly'Kid near .Suinnur Friday night. 'This dispatch was sent \f \ Mr. M.Brunswick , n reliable man and rfriend of Mr , Chisum. Mr. Ikunswick was in Santa Fo n few days agoand stated to a gentleman that ho hadlearned accidentally that the Kid wasat or near Fort Stunner ; consequentlywhen the dispatch was received , peopleple , notwithstanding the news wasalmost too good to bo true , were led( o believe that there must bo truth inthe nows. A short time later the\ special came to Tlio Now Mexican ,detailing the particulars. From then :it will appear that the news wasbrought to Las Vegas by Mail Contractor Cosgrovo , who arrived at thatplace yesterday. A Now Mexican reporter was enabled to sccnro the account from a man who was at Sumnernor at the time , and who helped toput pilly in his little bed the dayafter' Garrett got through his task ,This man is George Miller , a dis1charged soldier , who is on his way toSanta Fe. Miller says that Garrettwas informed of the Kid's whereaboutswhile in Lincoln county , and arrivotat Sumner in search of the outlaw orFriday last. At about midnight howent to the house of Pete Maxwellaccompanied by two men iiaiuo.d Join :W. Pee and T M. McKinney , when :ho had brought from homo with him ,The two men were told to stand 01 :guard at the gate , while Garrett wonlon and encored the room of Mr. Maswell. Tlio latter was in bed at tliotime and Garrett quickly informedhim of the object of his visit. Hohad scarcely done so when in walked"Billy the Kid , "AHMED WITH KNIl'E AND nEVOLVKII.Garrett dropped behind the head ofthe bed and remained there in acrouching position. Kid was in hisstocking feet , and was apparentlyalarmed at having seen the two menoutside , for ho asked hurriedly ofMaxwell , "Who are.thoy ? " and repeated -od the question quickly. Maxwellmade no reply , and Kid then caughtsight of Garrott. Ho did not apparently recognize the man , but pointedhis revolver at him and asked , "Whois it ? " Garrett had not had time todraw his revolver , and finding it hadreached a point at which caution ordelay would prove fatal , reachedaround and got it. Kid started back ,but for some reason or other did notfire. Perhaps this was because hehad no idea that Garrett was in thatpart of the country , and.SUSI-KITKI ) NO HARM.Whatever his reason was his delayproved fatal. With his desperateonomy's weapon aimed full at hisbreast at a distance of > a few foot , PatGarrett , with the quickness and precision for which ho is famed , pulleddown on the Kid and fired. That shotwas the last the Kid was over to hearon this earth. Ho foil back upon tliofloor pierced through the heart , andin a moment was as dead as any of themen whom ho had served in the sameway , with loss justice and pimply towreak potty spite or satisfy his thirstfor blood. Garrett and Maxwelllumped into the middle of the room ,which was lighted only by the beamsof the moon , and Garrett had thesatisfaction of knowing that ho hadfulfilled a duty from which most menwould have shrunk in terror , and accomplished the task which had occupied his thoughts and energies formonths.The above account comes from aman wh6 secured his information atthe scene of the killing. It is correct' in all essential points , us will be seenfrom Garrett's own story , as detailedin accordance with his duty to tlio governor of the territory.I-AT OAUHETT'.S nurouTto the chief executive of New Mexico ,was received by Acting GovernorIlitch lust evening. It is concise andsimple , in keeping with the characterof the writer , and will bo found of interest iroin the fact that it is the account which is absolutely correct , andbecause of the characteristics it bo-trays. It is as follows :Four SUMNHU , N. M. , July 15.To His Excellency , the Governor ofNew Mexico ;"I have thehonor to inform yourexcellency that I had received severalcommunications from persons in andabout Fort Hiunnor , that WilliamBonny , alias the Kid , had boon thereor in that vicinity , for sometime ,"In view of these reports I doomedit my duty to go there , and ascertainif there was any truth in thorn or notall the timedoubting their accuracy ;but on Monday , July 11 , I loft homo ,taking with mo John W. Pee anU T.L. McKinny , men in whoso courageand sagacity I relied implicitly , andarrived just below Fort Sunnier , onWednesday , 1U. I remained concealw ed near the houses until night , and :M then entered the fort about midnight. and went to Mr. P. Maxwell's room.I found him in bed, and had just com-niencod talking to him about the object of my visit at such an unusualhour , when t\ man entered the roonin stockinged foot with n pistol in onhand and a knife in the other. 11came and placed Iiis hand on the bcijust beside me , and in a low whisper ,"Who is it ? " ( and repeated the qucstion ) ho asked of Air. Maxwell.I at once recognized the man , am'know ho was tlio Kdand reachim ;behind mot for my pistol , feeling almost certain of receiving a ball fronhis nt the moment of doing so , ns ]felt sure ho had now recognized me ,but fortunately ho drew back fronthe bed at noticing 1113 * movementand , although ho had his pistol pointedod at my breast , ho delayed to lire ,and asked in Spanish , "Quien cs.Qtiieii cs ? " This gave mo time to bringmiiio to boar on him , and the momcnI did so 1 pulled the trigger , nnd Inreceived his death wound , for the balstruck him in the left breast am1pierced his heart. Uo never spokebut died in a minute. It was my ticsire to have been able to take liitralive , but his coming upon mo so suddenly and unexpectedly leads mo tobolievo that lie hud scon mo enter theroom , or had been informed by somuone of the fact ; and that ho camethere armed with pistol and knife expressly to kill mo if ho could. Under that impiession 1 had no alternativetivo but to kill him , or to sutler deatlat his hands.1 herewith nnnc.\ copy of the verdict rendered by the justice of thepeace ( ox-ollicio coroner ) , the originalof which is in the hands of the prosecuting attorney of the fust judicialdistrict.( Tlio verdict is given in Spanish inGarrott's report , and upon bcmgtranslated is as follows ) :"Woj the jury , unanimously saythat William Bonny came to his deathfrom a wound in the reg'on ' of theheart , fired from a pistol in the handof Pat F. Garrett , and our decisionis that the action of the said Garrettwas justifiable homicide ; and are united in the opinion that the gratitudeof the community is duo to said Garret for his action , and that ho deservesto be compensated.[ Signed ]M. lluDOLi-H , foreman.ANTONIO SAAVKIIUA ,PKDHO ANTONIO Lvcuuo ,JOHI ; SII.A.A ,SAUAL GUITEUUKX ,LOUUNZO JAKAMILI.O.I am , governor , very respectfully ,your excellency's obedient servant ,PAT F. GAUUETT ,Sheriff ot Lincoln county.The above is a straightforward , unassuming narrative , but it speaks , unintentionally , perhaps , but foreiblyofthe determination and courage of PatGarrett , The incident recorded wasthe end of a long and trying ordca .Ever since the early part of MayGar-rott has boon oppressed by a sense ofono of the most dillicult and dangerous duties over imposed upon an ofli-cor , the duty of carrying on a war tcthe deatli with the most desperate ,dangerous and treacherous man whoeverover infested a country. As soon asBilly the Kidcommittcdhislastcrimo ,an offense of such magnitude and audacity that the public wasstunncdanstood aghast at its announcement ,everybody acquainted with iho circumstances thought at once of PatGarrett , as being the man who wouldkill the Kid , or lose his life in the attempt. Said they : "Not only hasho escaped from Garrott's guards , andkilled the two men who were hisstaunchest and bravest servants in enforcing the laws , but ho has imposed aduty upon the sheriff of Lincolncounty which Pat Garrelt will nevershirk. "How rightly the people placed theirtrust is shown by the foregoing accounts. Garrett has never ceased tidog the footsteps of the Kid. Ho saidsoon after the escape of the criminalthat ho would "follow him to the end,1and ho has done so with persistency ,determination and bravery , throughlong and anxious months , finally tomeet with a success which entitledhim to the gratitude and respect ofthe people of this territory. Whentrying to surprise his prey ho was inreturn surprised by him , confrontedin a small room by a thoroughly de.i-perato man , with a knife in one hand ,while lira other hold a revolver to hisbreast. Garrett never lost his presence of mind or coolness , but seizedthe first opportunity offering itself tomake use of his skill with his pistol.A second later would have boon toolate , and a second sooner to attack howould have boon too KOOII. lip bidedhis time , and accomplished liis end ,and ho deserves to bo richly rewarded.Hltl.Y TUB KID S FUNEllAI ,took place at Fort Sunnier the dayafter the shooting , and not ono ofthose who were present but rejoicedat Ins death. Now that the sod isabove Iiis grave , it is in order to givehim an obituary , though time andspace wilj not allow a lengthy one.There is no disposition to shirk thetask. It isn't very often ono has towrite anything in the obituary lineexcept complimentary ones ; and Billy , exceptional in most things , heroagain affords an exception to the generaloral rule.Billy was a New York boy , and Insri ht nauiP is supposed to have boonAntrim. Ho was once n resident ofSanta Fo , and an employe of the Exchange hotel , this city. Ho loft herowhen very young , and turned out during the Lincoln county way , two yearsor nioro ago. Since then ho has assisted in murdering Sluriff Brady andDeputy Sheriff Hindman , of Lincoln ,killed Burnstein , clerk at the Musca-lore Apache ngoncy , and Al. Roberts ,who was living at the agency ; killedIlobt. Beckwith and Clias. Crawfordlit Lincoln , July , 1878 ; WilliamMorton , Prank Baker , andMoCloskey , at Blue Water , CaptainMountains , March , 1878 ; a half-breedIndian , John Furris , and Grant atFort Sunnier ; a blacksmith at CampApache , and finally killed Bob Ollin-? 'cr and J. W. Bell , at Lincoln countyjail while escaping lust time , Ho waspursued and made frenuont narrowjscapcs , to recount which is unnecessary ; was captured several times andescaped. Ho was just twenty-onepears of ngo when lie met his death ,md boasted that ho had killed a man: pr every year of lib life. The above1st is , however , till that can bo called.o mind. There are doubtless severaljthcr victims , perhaps half a dozen ,hat nobody knows of. Those enu-iterated hero make up a goodly num-jcr for a kid , and no excuses need bonado for Mr. Bonny on that score.Many a man in Now Mexico willjreatho more frcclysince ho has gone ,as there are numerous threats of deathoutstanding nnredicmcdawnitinponlythe time when Billy could get a goodshot. The Kid is gone , and the onlyquestion is , "how much reward ii l * ll > .iirott going to get for killing him ? 'Iown RatlroniN.Narrow-gango railroads in Iowahave a prccauous lease of life. Nt :sooner are they fairly in oporatioithan some broad-gaugo corporatorpounces upon them and gobbles thenup. There was Iho Des MoinesMinneapolis , designed to bo the central figure of an oxtcns vo narrow-auio system of this stale. Su noonivi it had became a paying investmentthe Chicago it Northwestern captured it , broadened it , nnd added itto the iron web which it is weaving al'over the northwest. A few month1ngo tlio Des Moines it Osccola narrowgitugo stalled out with flying colors ,and ww making good headway towardthe capital , uhen the Ohic.igo , Burlington iK" Quinccy came nloiur and de-decided to build a broad gnngo fromOaccoln to Des Moineo , under thecorporate name of Osccola ami DesMoines. Of course that squelchesthe narrow'g.iuge , which is unfortunate for the little road , as the gradinghad been done over a considerabledistance , and the preliminary workdone the entire distance.There is another narrow guigo , theDCS Moines Northwestern , from thiscity , open to Panora , and being tradedto Jefferson , in Greene county , It isdoing a heavy business and makingmoney. Hut the Wub.ish has got. otioeye on it , and ns soon as they readthis city it is privately understoodthe Des Moines it Northwestern wilbo broadened out as a part of the Wa >bash. That uill leave but onu narrowgauge road bore , the St. Louis , DosMoines it Northern , which is beingpushed to Minnesota. As the ownersare confederated with the Wabashit is more than probable it will ultimaloly become a broad-gauge road.Thus all efforts to establish a systemot narrow-gauge roads in Iowa havefailed. The question of financial success has had nothing to do with thefailure. They scorn only to have beeiin the path of broad-gauge roads.The Chicago it Milwaukee is building , or rather arranging , a now luuvbcr line from Lake Superior to Omaha via Ean Claire and Muiominco.At Eau Claire the road will crossChippewa river , connecting with themills on the west side of the river ,then ro-cross at Potervillo , connectingwith the mills on the cast side of theriver ; thence it will continue to Wa-bashaw , cross the Mississippi , anicount-fit with the Kivor Division.'From Wabashaw it will take Iho Narrow-Gauge Division , which is lo bobroadened , to Hammond ; Mionco toRochester , sixteen miles , connectingwith tlio Iowa and Minnesota Division ; thence to Austin , and MasonCity , where it will connect with thenow Cedar Rapids & Omaha lino.This will bring Omaha 100 milesnearer the great Wisconsin lumberfactories than by any other route.J. C. Easton , John Lawlcr , and acivil engineer are now engaged inperfecting the combination. It willrequire the building of sixteen mileson easy grade from Hammond toRochester , and from Mason City to aconnection with the Omaha line ,which is provided for in the nowMason City & Fort Dodge route.People along the route are movingto got the Minneapolis it St. Louisroad extended to Des Moines fromFort Dodge via Grand Junction. Acommittee from the latter place visited Mr. Washburn , president of theroad , a few days ago , and presentedthe advantages of the roulc. Thematter was taken under advisement.It is hardly probable the companywill deflect so far to the west , and runduo west fifteen or twenty miles , andbuild three expensive bridges , to makeGrand Junction a point , and thenconio to this city alongside the DCSMoines it Fort Dodgo. They are nowwithin sixty miles of this city on theeast side of Des Moines river , andevery mile of the road runs over coal-beds , which will require all the transportation the road can pivo , and forwhich the demand in northwest ia unlimitedThe latest railroad project is theSt. Louis , Newton it Northwestern.This now road ia to run from Newtonon the Chicago it Rock Island viaNorada and Fort Dodge to Dakota.It is really an extension of the NewSharon , Coal Valley it Eastern. Anovel feature of this now project isthat in return for tax aid voted Ihocompany will give each taxpayer inlowns where aid is voted a certificatefor the amount of tax he pays , whichis to bo transferable and receivablefor freight and passenger charges tothe amount of one-fourth of eachcharge until until the certificate is entirely redecnwd. So that virtuallythe tax voted is a loan to the company. The plan receives the favor ofthe people. One hundred and tenmiles of iron has been purchased , a'ndthe work of repairing the i\.ad-bodwill bo pushed with all possible haste.The road will leave the Mississippiriver between Burlington and Musca-tine , near New Boston , thence go toMorningSun in Louisa county crossingthe Uurlington , Cedar Ranids itNorthern , thence to Winficld andMarshall , in Henry county ; thence toBrighton , in AVashinglon county ,crossing the southwestern division ofthe Chicago it Rock Island ; thence toHichland , in Keokuk county , crossingthe Oskuloosa division of the RockIsland ; thence to Now Sharon , inMahaska county ; thence to Newton ,in Jasper county , crossing the mainline of the Rock Island ; thence toNevada , in Story county , crossing theDhicago it Northwestern ; thence toFort Dodge , crossing the Illinois Central and Minneapolis it St. Louis ;: hence to Dakota , through I'ocahantas: ounty. Work is being done eastTom Newton , all along the line , andt is expected lo have the road-bedcady for the iron Ihis year and 100iiilua of iron laid , and the road coin-doted from the southeast line of theitato to thu northwest line in 1882 ,'iving direct connection with St.Louia. Ilia controlled by easternlapitalists , who have all the moneyhey want. The route runs throughho richest and most productive por-ion of the state , also crossing thentiro coal field.The Burlington , Cedar Rapids itNorthern , Chicago , Milwaukee it SI.i'aul , and Chicago it Norlhwestornvill reach Emmottsburg September 1.Phcro is a lively race between the twoformer to got there first. l' < > r mile *their tracks hy within n few roth ofeach other. The DJ * .Monies it FortDodge will switch ofl ami not ntikothat place a point.Bradford , Pa.Tliomm Fltchan , llralfnnl , I'n. , writu :"I tnoloto money fur SPIIINO lluimiu , MI Pftid I would If iteurul mo. My dy. | > i > .-loha * vanished , with all it * pymiituais.Many tlmnkn ! 1 hall never l-o without itIn tlio home. " 1'nce f > 0 ccntH , trlnl Miles10 cents. jlM.lwMOUK.'For ten years my wife was confined to her bed with suchacoiuplic.itioilof ailmonta that no doctor could tellwhat was the matter or cure her , and1 used up a small fortune in humlnnrstnlf. Six months ago I saw a U. S.( lag with Hop Bitti-M on it , nnd Ithought I would bo a fool unco more1 tried it , but my folly proved to bowisdom Two bottles cured her , sheis now as well niidstroui'as ny man'swife , and it cost mo only two dollarsSueli folly pays. II. W , Detroit ,Mich. Free Press.1USKASVP , Illco rUcrt , Kprini from -millr.vi es The m\rlngrl er nnj not lie piMI ) II-\crti-il from Its course , nor tin iui > lccttil illx'ittjcfrom Hi dcitructlvc work , Taken In Himdlncuewhlrti l lutrolvftn iiilcrinptcil mmtlon , m \ \ > va crlril liy tlic iKiiol nitiiru' rcinnly ,Torrnnt's Seltzer Asjiorloiit.It combine * the mcillclml | iroH'tlliH | ol thebest inlnciut watcru In the world.HOLD nv AI.I < iinyooivmNo Changing CarsWhcro direct connections nrc IIWUP w ith ThroughSLEEPING OAK LIN13 forNEW YGHK , BOSTON ,PHILAUEU'IUA ,1ULTIMOHE ,WASHINGTONAND ALL EASTERN ITJE3.The Short Line via. PeoriaEor INUIANAl'OLIS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS-VILLK , and all points In t.'iuran mr UMIFor ST. LOUIS ,Where direct connections nrc mvlo in the UnionDepot with the Through Sleeping CarUneaforAMi POINTSs o TOT SP HE .NEW LIKE DES MOINESTHE rAYOUITU ItOUTK TOKRock -island.Tlio uncn\alc , < ! Inducement offered by Dili lineto t iru clcra and tourieU are OH ( ollo :The celebrated PULLMAN (10-ttlieel ( ) 1'ALACKSI.iiPINO : : OAKS run only nn thN line C. . It.& ( ) . I'AliAO'i : UllAWINCl HOOJI OAKS , lthIlorton'H Jccllnii [ ! ( Jhi.lra. Nooitra tuarguforucal.s In lEeillnlni ; Claim. Thu famous C' . , II. &Q. 1'alaco Dining Uari. Uor eons Ktnokln ; ; Carslltti-d ultli rleirant hl h-backed r.itt'ui ru\olilnxchain , for the cxcluiito utoof hnt-tUuu jutdcn-gcrs.gcrs.Steel Track and superior iiiilpnicnt | combined\t 1th their tCJc.it through car : u ruixciiicnt , lUAltcntlih. nlwnc all othcrx , the favorite routu to the1-ist , South and Southeast.Try It , and you uill llnd tra\clln n 1'unry In-stcau o ! a discomfoit.Through tlcltctilo thin rr'tbrati-il line for saleat 3.11 olllcca In the Unllod States and Oan.vln.All information aliont rates of fare , Slocplni ;Gir accommodation ? , Time Tallies , tie. , will becheerfully L'Uen by upplylni ; toPUIICKVAI , I.OVVI'.I.L ,General roaaaiiL'cr Agent , Chicago.T. J. 1'OTTEtl ,General Jlan wcr Clilmro.Sioux City & PacificAtDSt. Paul & Sioux CityRAILROADS.THE OLD UELIAI1LK HIOL'X C1TYJ UOUTE3.OO MILES SIIOKTU : UOUTR 3.OOi no 11COUNCIL BLUFFSTO ST. I'AUL , MINNEAPOLIS ,1HTLUTH OK 1USSIAUCK ,and all poInU In Northern loiva. Mlnncawta andDakota , Tills line it Kmlppudih thu ImprovedU'cstlnghoino Automatic Alr-brako and illKtrPlatform Counlcj ami Duller ; and forHPEUI ) . HAIT/ry ANU ( IOMIWT! i tiniurpatgcd. Klr nnt PrauiKj , ' Itoom andSleeping Cam , ou md ami controlled by thu coin-i ny , run through WITHOUT Oil ANOK l > Uwi-uiUnion 1'aiillo Truntfcr ucpot at Council llhilTs ,and bt. Paul.Trains leave Union. Pacific Transfer ilcjint titCouncil Hinds at 6:18 : p. m. , rciuhhiir filoiu Clt )nt 10/0 : .in. an J lit. Paul at ! ! ; " . ' > n. m. niaklni.TEN 1IOUUS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHIIUJtOlJTE.Itcturnln ? , leave .St , Paul at 8:30 : p. in. , arrivingPlaux City 1:15 : a. in , , and Union I'acllluTrans-r doiKit , ( Viimell Hindu , nt : ffl a. m. JJomirct fctjourtlri.etnr ; > atltla"fi , 0. & P , It. 11. "K. C' . HILLS , ftiipertnti'iiilcnt ,T. E. IloniN'bON , MUiourl Valley , U.Autt. Ui-i 1'ivw. Arrunt.J , II , O'lllrt AN , l'n * iiB r Agent.'tounril Illnflx. li ' *KENNEDY'SEAST - INDIAt = )S §3 IDP 2i ICD rnt = * s. ?c-t-CO 11ca oITTEESILEB & 00 , ,Solo ManufUcturora , OMAHA.t < , J i ,Wb TMflMKWMP rt I * * * * ll/U't1'Xt't' yl * ! * jf'J/ * t f.lt < .W'r t fnr tipine the inoit direct , qnlrkft , andMf * t luir cannpi-tln * tltotrvtt MolrojiolU , CHI( " . \ ( ( ) anil HIP KIHTKRN , Noiml.KwhRV , SOITIIMnl tfomil KAfcTkM l.ii w , hlclitpmiltmtotliprp ,nilh KANS CUT , l.r.mtwomii , Arnii ov ,III.ITM mill 0 AtiA , the COMMRRIUL' nil whlili r.ukltoEVERY LINE OF POADHiftt f > oi > ptnle < tli < > 0 < > iitlnpnt fnnn tlio XllwtirlIII w to Ilia IWolllr lo ) > . TlioCHIOAUO HOCIC ISLAND A 1'A-CIFIO RAILWAYMtlicnnh H o from t'lilrtif i cuu.luu tracit IntoKnn i , or tthldi , by Iti nvn neil , r uhr < tlifixiiiiNnl m > nrxtn < < l. NoTRAvif rut nr CKni iiK !No MII IMI nmhTtn l No Imlilllut In III.\entlhlol nruiiilivii tart , a < r cri i i5CHir < TiratrlPil In ronni ) , rlivvi nml\ijwii K it KxpivM TrilmIHCAUS ( if iinriiftliil inrt'i 1YM.M11. ( MrKSUfriMI UM , ntlll ' . . . . . . > | . | aiiiuiiiI > ixi\n CAM , tiinn nlilrh inral < nroncrifl vt mi-Mitiwwtl i-vrrlli net. nl Ilio low rsto of SK > R.MYHM : I'Kvts K CII , williniiijilo tliuu tar hc.iUhtiilCllJOJtllOIlt ,Tliroii.li I'flM liolwccn ( "liliMi.ti , 1'corln , Milwniiki-oiuiil 'Jlv.nirl lli > i-r I'olnN ; itiut rlmsconhi'illoiunt nil | Hiiit | < of lnlcr s.tloiilth otlurnmK\\'f HcVi t dl.i not fnr t tlili ) illroclly ( o cicrjitbcv if ) liiivirl\nro ] In Knn-w. Nu1im Vi , HUeklllllr.nniliu. . I'Uh. MnliO , NI < IVAllf | < irnli\ ,Dri''oii , vWliimjtoti lorrltor ) , Oolui < lo , Arltoim: inil Ni MuxliM.AH HKrnl nrr.vijfineiitn rctwrjlii ; * l > nu ? Kfl nniiy olliiT line , mid rutiof fanMnAji oiv ncoinHlltor4 | , who fiitnUU but n tltlio uf ttio comfurUI oc nnil tucMp of | irtnn'ni frro.Tkk 'ta , iiiin | niiil f.tiU'n i\t nil | irliicl | > l tlcki tolllcMlii tlio I iiltul KUtii ntiJ Oiurnli.u. n. OAIII.I : , K. ST. JOHN ,Vlro I'lvVl i , den. Con. Tkt and l'iul.'r A U- ' - -MMiaiit'r , (St C3 Z5 , OOOOOOFor PensionsI have made nn arrangement \\Ith| ) .utlr lii'i'e liy uhUhnll ilnlmingalnittlui ( lou-rtiim'nt comlii ! ; from Nehrvka uinl Iowa will nvolio prompt andSPECIAL ATTENTION.It pnrtlct wanting new Jlvhurirn papers orchilmlmr pen lei , Incrcivoof pili-noiiF , h unity ,ha k piy , prize monuy. tnuHHirlntlun | moncv.commutation of ration' , Innili patcntn , etc , , nil !KCinl llii-lr I'l.klmsmldtcsDd to mu , I will see thattheir InlcrcnU lire c.ucd for. Letter * n < MnirInformiitlnu nhonhl ha\u t nip cticloM > l for ru-ply. JAMnH MOItltlH ,( M | > prl l CorrcMOiulcnt ) 1804 " < 1" St. N. W. ,ddtMt Waihlimton. 11. ( VIf youi.r liii.--Hlbyllmyour ilut ; > . 'HtliimlinUnnil u o n ivenndHop Bittero. iraxtr , U"0 Hop D.I f jnu ivro younB nnd rnlVf rlnc from nny Inrtlwrillon nr Oi lia | tion i It .rminritinir-ilnl or i-ln.xln , ulil vr ruiiiudtuitrrlni ; fromlioorlu'Ullrt or litniniliili lnir on n U'J of tickLess rx'J ' on Mop Olttci-n.- annually. DioiiMAnilxuloWticxiTpr you are.whenoYcr you fi'pl nually rroiii Boinatlint your pyrtrm Innuof Kldnoytii'pdi clconilnc , ton- ilUiatc th.it nilKl'tIn * or ntlm-ilatlnir ,nlthoutOKiurMitrntf ,tnUii Hop HopUlttoraDlltoru., kulary D. I. C.I'rtirlnarueam- In ( in M elute)4nln ( , dheaiie t Invulstiv.ot tlio Mmnen ,. r u r o furhamln lilnotl.iliunLoimoBB ,liver or t tnci IIIJ > P of opium ,You will DC toliacoo.orcuivdlfyoauw mtroutlc * .Mop BiitoraIfyo'inrof'm-r.lr we n I : anil lit * , tlcndlurIiiwimlrlleiMrj OlrcuJar.ui It inny nor innvo your- '.llfo. It liaa n-i'O 10. ,cavcJ liun- noftuttlrn. T.circwO. Jk Toronto , Ont ,To Nervous SufferersTHE CnCAT CUMfdAN RHMEDY.Dr. J. B. Simpson'o Spociflcft Isn pOHjtiiocnre for hpcrnulorrlicn , .StVi'Okiiffts , lniKt.iticy ] ) , and nil ilIn'auiHrirfrom Sulf-Almfiu , at Jlcnlnl A"\li ) , Lei > 9Munory , I'liliin In 111" II.U'U orSi'ln , nnd dl ei Ci( hnt liuil to( 'onnimptlonilly nndeeit | free to all. U'rltu for them and get full ] nr-tlcnlnrn.Priie , Kixvlfle , 11.00 per pachnvro , or MX pick-a''e fur ti.W. Addrr * all ordira t < iII , SIMSONMI'.DICINi : CO.Noi. 101 ami 1CNI ilnln St. IIulT.ilo , N. Y.Sold In Omaha liy 0. K. Goodman , JV. . Ilcll ,J. K I > h , and allFor Fine ComplexioDs.Positive relief and immunityfrom comploxlonal hlcnilslicsmay 1)0 found in lliiKan'B Magnolia Halm. A dollcnto andJinnnloss ari iclc. Sold by drug *glsla cvoryvrhero.It imparts the most brilliantnnd Jii'o-Hko tints , nnd tlio closest scrutiny cannot detect itsuso. All unsightly dlscolora-tioiis , cruptloiiH , ring miirkounder the cycssullo\vncssredness , roughness , nnd the flushof fatigue nnd oxcllementarout once dispelled by the Mag-uolla Ifalm.It is the ono incomparableCosmetic ,Axle GreaseNEVER GUMS !U td ori'Wairotii , UU KIPmil lllll llaehintry. It In INVAIJMIII.B TII Mini.rim AMI TrAMoTf.iM. Itnirm hiratihm and allUml of Borixi on llouus unj btui-l. , an wtll n on"K" "CLARK & WISE , Hanuf'fi ,305 Illinois Street , Chicago./tfl-BUNJl / roil I'illt'Kt ) . Ju Sl-Uin.buAQENTQ WA TED FOr {I MTYHT SKLLINO HOOI.K uriiiKAuKtFoundations of SuccessDUSINKSb ANI ) SOCIAL FOIIM8.Tliola eI trojlo. lopil foniu , how to Irani-< t busliiimalu.illo Uhlin , social ctl'Utttc | ,tiarliamriitiiry uuLj0 , hoiv to conduit public Inni-nu > ; In lait it l a complete Uuldu to HWCI-HJ forfclluisc . A fpin'ly netiuslty. Addrusu forvlrrcnlir. and i > cr'al Urnu A.S'CIIOU I'UUI.ISHINUUU. , bt.LouU , Mo.' . I'RII u jcyond any rcasounblo question tlidt thCHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'YIs h j fill oilila the best rorul for yea to take ulicn Iravcllng In cither direction between'Cliicago and all of the Principal Points In the West , North and Northwest.Oiirofully enamtnMlih Vap. Tlio Principal Clllr of the \ttt nnd Nortlmc'tnrftPtfttlonjicnthlntYind. Us tliroui-li twins umko closeJunction points. coimcctlotu vltu Uio ttulnsof uil lull'-oadsnt% "i fspi1 ? : ;lUAGO-THE CHICAGO & . NORTH-WLSTEHN RAILWAY ,' Over nil . ot It * principal llnri , nttw onoli way dally from two to fourormoro Fast I'xproas'inilnt. H Is tlio .oalyio.ul west ot Uhlcftgo tnat uses Hid - " .fff : PZJLLB AET HOTEL DZWH G CARS.V, . . vnnpc , rcon : vCn.indni. < mu > uiw mis ruuu mu sum by all Cotiliou Ticket Aucuta 1 _iloiucmucr to aik for Tickets \ la Hits road , bo stiro they rend over It , nml take none other. I ,ILUIVIX UUU1UTT , Gcii'l Mnnagcr , ClilcaBO. aV. . II. 8TKSSKTT , Ucu'l 1'uss. Apeut ,II AUHV I' . WIKL , Ticket Asont 0. It N.V. . lUllwiy , lllh ami Kunlum utreeUI ) . K. KI.MIIALL , A l tant Tlekpt Aitont C. A N. W. llill - y , llth and Firnhain strecti.1. ItKI.L. Tlekct A'jont 0. & N. W , Hallway , U. P. H. 11. Depot.BAMKHT. CLAHIC ( lencml Aifcnt.Store !616 TENTH STREET.GREAT BARGAINSSPIES 3O-ATSTSAlterations Now Commenced IP. Gr. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices.MAX MEYER & BRO. ,the Oldest Wholesale andRetail Jewelry House inOmaha. Visitors can herefind all novelties in SilverWare , Clocks , Rich andStylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , andChoicest Selections inPrecious Stones , and alldescriptions of FineWatches , at as Low Prices as is compatible withhonorable dealers. Calland see our Elegant NewStore , Tower Building ,corner llth and Parn-ham StreetsMAX MEYER & BRO.MTHTG1 ! ) JPr ITDf !MMM o5 JjiiU ,HOC . 33CTHE LEADINGG HOUSEIN THIS WIST !General Agents for theFinest and Best Pianos andOrgans manufactured.Our prices are as Low asany Eastern Manufacturerand Dealer.Pianos and Organs soldfor cash or installments atBottom Prices.A SPLENDID stock ofSteinway Pianos , KnabePianos , Vose & Son's Pianos , and other makes.Also Clough & Warreu ,Sterling , Imperial , SmithAmerican Organs , &c. Donot fail to see us before purchasing.HARRISON ,3/3:08ARE NOW OFFimiNG FOR ONE MONTH ONLYnraxrLadies' ' Suits , CMs , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , ,200 Handsome Suits , nt $6 00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10.00 ;75 Blnck Silk Suits , $17.00.Wu hixvo Horornl lots of fctii ; > ! u goods wliiuli will bo ofl'urotl atSEVENTY-FIVE CFNTS ON THE DOLLARVJIuVbllVi B I D B V EM UBall i U Ull I ttlm \Jtmtml\tltAll Indies sliould avail thciusulvos of this great sale of ]OORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS ,SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITSAND SACQUKS." MCDONALD & HARRISON. 2b1af7f3a8