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According to city data, a smaller proportion of young people than older adults are considered low-income for housing affordability. However, the younger segment is particularly vulnerable to the crisis currently in play. Here are resources and locations to help a young person find low-income housing.
Since this humanitarian crisis began, the city has, largely on its own, taken fast and urgent action, managing the arrival of a rapidly increasing number of buses across New York City with virtually no coordination from states sending them; opening 42 hotels as emergency shelters; standing up a navigation center to connect asylum seekers with critical resources; enrolling over 5,500 children in public schools through Project Open Arms; and more. The city is opening at least one Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Center to assist asylum seekers arriving with immediate needs and help them reach their final desired destination.
Real and perceived barriers remain a concern for segments job seekers that mistakenly believe a tech job is out of reach. A net 55% of job seekers report say some facet of the confidence gap is definitely or probably a factor in discouraging segments of individuals from considering and pursuing a tech job role.
If you are an asylum seeker who has just arrived in New York City, you can get free and confidential help at the Asylum Seeker Resource Navigation Center. You will need to schedule an appointment through NYC shelter staff or a community-based partner office.
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