Join us on for a webinar on 'How to Create a Recovery Responsive Workplace Culture' with Special Speaker Matthew Clune, Senior Director, SAFE Workplaces for the SAFE Project.
Zoom Meeting Details:
Time: Apr 27, 2021 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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About Our Special Speaker:
Matthew Clune joined SAFE Project as Senior Director, SAFE Workplaces, in September 2020. SAFE Workplaces is a project aimed at helping the business community become more familiar with issues of behavioral health, stigma, and recovery.
Prior to that he served as a Project Officer in SAMHSA/CSATw here he oversaw recovery services, youth support grants and was Task Lead on several high-profile Technical Expert Panels, including one held in 2019 on Employment and Recovery. A person in long-term recovery, himself, Mr. Clune’s professional entre into Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) began with the MD Behavioral Healthcare Administration (BHA) as their Recovery Support Services Lead.
He subsequently served as a senior consultant for JBS International on Youth Treatment and Recovery approaches and later for SAMHSAs Center for Social Innovation (C4) as an SUD/Recovery SME. In addition to having been a Doctoral Fellow in Social Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, Mr. Clune earned his BA in Political Science from the State University of NY at Albany and an MS in Criminology from Northeastern University.
